hairstroke NANO EYEBROW
This tattoo technique is a new method to precisely tattoo fine hair strokes and crisp lines in the brow area to creating the optical illusion of real brow hair.
It is not like a conventional tattoo that goes deep into the skin. A very fine needle is used to implant pigment in short hair strokes between the dermal and epidermal bands of the skin. The abrasion created by the hair stroke tattoo is finer than a paper cut.
miki’s PRICING
hairstroke brow $450
[8 weeks touch-up $50]
powder OMBRE $350
[8 weeks touch-up $50]
lip $500
After Care!
The dry healing method is said to result in more crisp and defined hair strokes, as the scabs protect the pigmented area from smudging or smearing.
Do not get your brows wet for the first three days after the procedure.
This includes showering, sweating, swimming, and avoiding contact with water.
What is hairstroke NANO brow?
This tattoo technique is a new method to precisely tattoo fine hair strokes and crisp lines in the brow area to creating the optical illusion of real brow hair.
It is not like a conventional tattoo that goes deep into the skin. A very fine needle is used to implant pigment in short hair strokes between the dermal and epidermal bands of the skin. The abrasion created by the hair stroke tattoo is finer than a paper cut.
헤어스트록은 새로운 눈썹 타투 기법으로 굉장히 얇은 라인으로 최대한 자연스러운 눈썹을 연출할수 있습니다,
바늘이 깊이 들어가는 다른 타투와는 다르게 피부층에 최소한의 바늘깊이로 시술되기때문에 데미지가 거의 없습니다.
How long does one session take?
It takes a total of 2.5 hours.
대략 2시간반 소요됩니다.
How often is a touch-up needed?
It depends on the skin type. Oily skins tend to fade faster than others. So whenever you feel like its fading you can come visit for touch ups.
사람마다 색소가 빠지는 속도가 다 다르기 때문에 많이 흐려졌다고 생각하실때 오시면 됩니다. 첫 터치업은 선택사항이며 8주안에 오셔야합니다. ($50) 이후에는 추가금액이 발생할수 있습니다.
Is it painful?
We use a medical numb cream so it is nearly painless. During the procedure you will go under a second numbing application, so you will not be in pain throughout.
병원에서 사용하는 마취약을 사용하여 통증이 적습니다.중간에 2차마취가 한번 더 들어가기때문에 고통이 심하지 않습니다.
How long does it last?
It lasts anywhere between 12month-24 months. It all depends on your skin type; oily skins tend to fade faster.
스킨타입에 따라 다르지만 12개월-24개월 유지 가능합니다. 서서히 흐려지면서 사라집니다. (Oily skin 좀더 빨리 빠질수있음)
Do you use ‘this’ or ‘that’ material?
We use the best high quality inks and disposable needles only. You will be under a safe procedure by our licensed technician who uses both hairstroke and powder techniques.
저희는 최고퀄리티의 색소와 일회용 제품만 사용합니다. 헤어스트록과 파우더기법만을 이용하며 라이센스 소지한 전문기술자가 안전하게 시술해드립니다.
Is it possible to cover up my existing eyebrow tattoo from previous technician?
If you have an existing eyebrow tattoo from the past, laser tattoo removal before is highly recommended. However, if it is almost faded, yes cover up is possible. For further detail, you could always send us photo of your current eyebrow and we will have our technician an informed decision.
일반적으로는 레이져로 지운다음에 시술하는걸 추천 드리지만 흐리게 남아있다면 커버는 가능합니다. 자세한건 테크니션이 확인을 해봐야 알수있으며 바로 알고싶으시면 사진을 보내주시면 확인후 연락 드리겠습니다.